Our views shape our world

Why we all see and think differently

There are nearly eight billion distinct people on earth ranging in height, weight, color, temperament, interests, intelligence and more. But what makes each of us truly unique are our beliefs about who we are and the world we live in. These viewpoints shape our everyday lives — from our thoughts and experiences, to how we connect with ourselves and others.

Beliefs are the bedrock of the human experience. We have held opinions about ourselves and our world since the beginning of our time, ranging from how to avoid danger and stay alive, to the supernatural and divine. As the modern world has grown in complexity, our perspectives have expanded — we are now surrounded by various points of view on self-worth, purpose, race, authority, truth, justice, the economy, the environment, education, science, medicine, consciousness, technology, the future and so much more.

Each person has a unique set of beliefs and their own way of thinking about those views. Our perspectives are shaped by our experiences, where we live, who we surround ourselves with, our health and circumstances and even our genes. We all have different ways of understanding and feeling about our opinions. We think about some of our beliefs regularly, while others lurk in our subconscious without us realizing it, influencing our thoughts and actions.

Our beliefs drive our thoughts, emotions and behavior, shaping our day-to-day reality. We maintain a personal narrative of who we are, what we are capable of, what we deserve, what we fear and what we control. We hold a worldview about what really exists, how we connect to it, what is true or knowable, what is fair or just, what is possible and what is sacred or divine.

Our beliefs shape our life experiences, and yet they are ripe for error and distortion. With digital connectivity, we are exposed to more viewpoints than ever before. It can be hard to know which beliefs are our own and which have been influenced by others. Many things, like miscommunication, misunderstanding and biases can affect our opinions without us realizing it. Sometimes, people are intentionally misled or manipulated through misinformation or by playing into fears. As a result, people can form and hold destructive beliefs, such as feeling unworthy or believing that the world is against them.

Despite this, recent research has shown that we can change our mindset to be more constructive. We can do this by being aware of our beliefs and making changes to our surroundings and relationships. Constructive beliefs lead to more motivation, meaning, connection and inner peace. When we have constructive beliefs and connect with others from a place of common ground, society benefits from greater understanding, respect and cooperation. When we truly recognize that our beliefs shape our reality – and that we control our beliefs – we hold the key to freedom and fulfillment.

At Every, it is our mission to facilitate this awareness and connection. We believe that humans’ diversity of thought and experience is one of our greatest strengths, so long as we learn from each other and focus on the common ground that exists amidst our differences.